Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Denmark 18.10.1973 - 300th anniversary of Danish Royal Library

The stamp printed in the Denmark shows St. Mark, from 11th Century Book of Dalby. It was issued to commemorate the  300th anniversary of Royal Library, in 1973.

The Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark, is the national library of Denmark and the university library of the University of Copenhagen. It is the largest library in the Nordic countries.
It contains numerous historical treasures; all works that have been printed in Denmark since the 17th century are deposited there. Thanks to extensive donations in the past the library holds nearly all known Danish printed works back to the first Danish book, printed in 1482.

The library was founded 1648 by King Frederik III who seeded it with a comprehensive collection of European works. It was opened to the public in 1793. In 1989 it was merged with the prestigious University Library (founded 1482) (UB1) and in 2005 it was merged with the Danish National Library for Science and Medicine (UB2), now the Faculty Library of Natural and Health Sciences. The official name of the organization as of 1 January 2006 is The Royal Library, the National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library. In 2008 the Danish Folklore Archive was merged with The Royal Library. Open to anyone above the age of 18 with a genuine need to use the collections. Special rules apply for use of rare and valuable items.

Thank you Maria.

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