(16c) Clivia Nobilis. Clivia nobilis (green-tip forest lily), is a species of flowering plant in the genus Clivia, of the family Amaryllidaceae, native to South Africa. It grows to about 38 cm (15 in). It has evergreen strap-shaped leaves, and bears pendent umbels of multiple narrow, trumpet-shaped, red and yellow flowers, tipped with green.
(30c) Dierama Pulcherrimum. Dierama, is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family, Iridaceae. Common names include hairbells, Angel's Fishing Rod, fairybells, andwandflowers in English and grasklokkies in Afrikaans. They are native to Africa, with most occurring in the southern regions of the continent. The center of diversity is the Province of KwaZulu-Natal in eastern South Africa.
(40c) Moraea Reticulata. Moraea, the Cape tulips, is a genus of plants in the family Iridaceae, first described as a genus in 1758. The group is widespread across Africa, the Mediterranean, and central and southwestern Asia. The genus name is a tribute to the English botanist Robert More. Moraeas have iris-like flowers. The corms of some species have been used as food, though they usually are small, and some species are unpleasant and some are poisonous.
(50c) Crinum Campanulatum. Crinum campanulatum is a large to small, evergreen or deciduous perennial that often forms clumps when well established. They are mainly summer growing plants with a dormant period in the winter. The rootstocks are typical bulbs, which are able to survive permanent water or waterlogged soils as well as seasonal dry spells. The leaves are perennial; four to many, green, with or without a prominent midrib, narrowly channelled to strap-shaped. The flowering stem is up to 1 m long.
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